Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hi Everyone!
Last week Austin , Nathan and I (Lisa) went to see an exhibit at OMSI called Body Worlds. It was interesting and creepy at the same time. It's an exhibit that are of original anatomical real human bodies. People donated their bodies for this. After an hour of looking we were ready to go. It makes me want to be in shape because on the bodies you could see all of the fat and different illnesses or injuries and there were organs with diseases. So it made you want to really take care of your body. If you get a chance to see this in S.F. or Sac. you should go.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Kneeboarding the Delta, June 2007

Here's some video of us kneeboarding in the Delta while we were in town. I tried showing off and AJ did a good job of copying me after only his second time kneeboarding. Nathan had a hard time balancing on the board and so was perfectly happy to just go for a ride. (Notice the absence of Lisa behind the boat. She was happy to go along for the ride and wanted no part of the "dirty" Delta water.)